Second successful final Bulgarian multiplier event was held in Plovdiv – 27 September 2024
The Bulgarian Inclusion Support Team organised a final multiplier event also in Plovdiv, where Private Business School “The Talents” was host of the local piloting phase. Students with learning difficulties and disabilities as well as students from ethnic minority communities participated together with teachers.
We have discussed with them their feedback from the conducted pilot trainings. Overall, the students were very positive that the training has considerable impact on their life perspectives and money management.
Since the students’ year 2024-2025, the financial literacy will become an extra discipline in the school curricula, having in mind that the Private Business School “The Talents” has a status as accredited innovative school by the Ministry of education and science.
Representatives of the Regional educational management (RUO) also expressed their gratitude to the project consortium for the high quality of the developed materials and for the impact, which was dully justified in the presented Consolidated piloting report.
Успешно провеждане и на второто Заключително събитие за разпространение на резултатите – 27 Септември 2024г. в гр. Пловдив
Българският екип за приобщаваща подкрепа организира заключиително събитие за разпространение на резултатите и по повод финализиране на пилотната обучителна фаза и в гр. Пловдив, където Частно средно бизнес училище „Талантите“ беше домакин на местната пилотна фаза. Ученици с обучителни затруднения и увреждания, както и ученици от етнически малцинствени общности участваха заедно с обучените учители.
С тях обсъдихме отзивите им от проведените пилотни обучения. Учениците бяха много положителни в своята обратна връзка и смятат, че обучението има значително въздействие върху техните житейски перспективи и управление на финансите им.
От учебната 2024-2025 година финансовата грамотност е допълнителна дисциплина в училищната програма от 7-ми до 10-ти клас, като се има предвид, че Частно средно бизнес училище „Талантите” има статут на акредитирано иновативно училище от Министерството на образованието и науката.
Представители на Регионалното управление на образованието (РУО) също изразиха своята благодарност към консорциума по проекта за високото качество на разработените материали и за въздействието, което беше надлежно обосновано в представения Консолидиран пилотен доклад.
Successful final multiplier event held in Istanbul, Turkiye – 26 September 2024
The final multiplier dissemination event in Turkiye was held on 26 September 2024 in Istanbul. It was organised by World Innovative Sustainable Solutions in cooperation with Havza Educational Directorate – both partners in the project.
The event was opened by the President of WINSS – Ms. Figen Sekin, who presented the project and its results. The event was attended by 50 representatives of schools including teachers, principals, pedagogical counsellors, psychologists, financial literacy experts as well as by policy makers from Istanbul municipal departments.
The audience was very impressed by the project outcomes as well as by the results from the piloting phase in Turkiye which were throughly presented. Important part of the event was dedicated to exploitation agreements negotiations as well as on the establishment of a Financial literacy cluster network on the territory of Istanbul schools.
Успешно провеждане на първото Заключително събитие за разпространение на резултатите – 24 септември 2024, гр. София
На 24 септември 2024 г. в 94 СУ „Димитър Страшимиров“ двата Български партньора организираха заключително събитие за разпространение на резултатите. Повече от 70 участници присъстваха на събитието, включително ученици със специални образователни потребности, в това число такива с увреждания, ученици от групи в неравностойно положение, а също и учители, образователни специалисти, както и представители на испанския и турските партньори по проекта.
Събитието бе открито от директора на 94 СУ „Димитър Страшимиров” и координатор на проекта – г-жа Латинка Ковачева. Тя изтъкна значението на проекта за образователното усъвършенстване на учениците в неравностойно положение и с увреждания, както и за повишаването на финансовата грамотност сред учениците.
Дидактическите обучителни материали, разработени по проекта бяха представени от представителя на Българския екип за приобщаваща подкрепа.
След това г-жа Невена Апостолова – учител в 94 СУ „Димитър Страшимиров“ демонстрира резултатите от пилотните обучения, проведени в училището, както и тяхното въздействие. Г-жа Апостолова представи и интегрирането на резултатите от проекта и в други училища, които работят с ученици в неравностойно положение и с увреждания в България.
Въздействието на проекта и пилотните обучения в Испания бяха представени от проф. д-р Пилар Гутиес Куевас, със симултантен превод на български език от страна на Българския екип за приобщаваща подкрепа.
Г-жа Фиген Секин от World Innovative Sustainable Solutions представи резултатите от пилотирането в Истанбул, Хавза и Самсун – Турция заедно с представителя на Регионалния управление на образованието на Havza – г-н Сейт Ахмет Дикмен (отново със симултантен превод).
Събитието завърши г-жа Латинка Ковачева, която обсъди с участниците бъдещи възможности за използване на пилотните резултати. Ученици, участващи в обучението по финансова грамотност, също изразиха своето мнение и задоволство от проведения обучителен процес. Неформалните разговори продължиха по време на обедния бюфет.
Huge interest during the First Final Bulgarian multiplier event – Sofia, 24 September 2024
On 24 September 2024 at the 94 High school “Dimitar Strashimirov”, both Bulgarian partners organised the Final Bulgarian Multiplier Event. More than 70 participants attended the event including students with disabilities, students from disadvantaged groups, teachers, educational specialists as well as representatives by the Spanish and Turkish project partners.
The event was opened by the Principal of 94 SU “Dimitar Strashimirov” and project coordinator – Mrs. Latinka Kovacheva. She pointed out the relevance of the project towards the academic improvement of the disadvantaged and disabled students, as well as the enhancement of the financial literacy awareness among students.
The didactic training materials, developed under the project scope were presented by the representative of the Bulgarian Inclusion Support Team.
After that, Mrs. Nevena Apostolova – a teacher at the 94 SU “Dimitar Strashimirov” demonstrated the local pilot site and impact of the trainings held at the school. Mrs. Apostolova also presented the mainstreaming of the project results to other schools, who are working with disadvantaged and disabled students in Bulgaria.
The impact of the project and the pilot site in Spain was presented by prof. PhD Pilar Gutiez Cuevas, which was simultaniously translated in Bulgarian language.
Ms. Figen Sekin from World Innovative Sustainable Solutions presented the results from piloting in Istanbul, Havza and Samsun Turkiye together with the representative from the Regional Inspectorate of Education of Havza – Mr. Seyit Ahmet Dikmen.
The event was concluded by Mrs. Latinka Kovacheva, who discussed with the participants about future exploitation opportunities. Piloters from the financial literacy training also expressed their opinion and satisfaction from the conducted training process.The informal talks were continued during the lunch buffet organised by the Bulgarian Inclusion Support Team.
Final transnational partners meeting – 24 September 2024, Sofia, Bulgaria
The final transnational partners meeting of the project was held on 24 September 2024 at 94 SU “Dimitar Strashimirov” Sofia. It was attended with representation by all partners in the transnational consortium.
The main purpose of the meeting was to review all elaborated activities under the five work packages and each partner reported on their implementation.
Final multiplier project event was held on 19 September 2024 in Madrid, Spain
On 19 September 2024 the final project multiplier event was held in Madrid, Spain. The event was organised by our Spanish partner – the ASOCIACIÓN MADRILEÑA DE PROFESIONALES DE LA ATENCIÓN TEMPRANA, Madrid, Spain.
The event was opened by Prof. PhD Pilar Gutiez Cuevas – President of AMPAT, together with team members, who actively conducted the pilot implementation phase in Madrid – prof. PhD Castellar Lopez Guinea and Ms. Carmen Gutiez.
The participants were mainly teachers, educators, school principals as well as representatives of the Disability and Inclusion Committee of Madrid, inclusion policy makers and representatives by NGOs, who are working with students with disabilities and special needs.
During the event, all 4 major project results were presented and the AMPAT team presented the impact of the trainings, which were held in the period November 2023 – June 2024.
Dissemination of the project during International conference “Social inclusion and microcredentials” organised of Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science – 18-19.09.2024, Sofia, Bulgaria
The Minister of Education and Science Prof. Dr. Galin Tsokov opened the International Conference on Social Inclusion and Microcredentials. The event takes place on 18 and 19.09.2024 in the city of Sofia in connection with the discussion of the latest policies in the European Education Area, which are highlighted in the Rome and the latest Tirana Communiqué of the ministers from the member states of the Bologna process. The Ministry of Education and Science organized the forum focusing on topics related to the development of indicators for the assessment of the quality of education, related to access of students from vulnerable groups (with an emphasis on migrants and students with disabilities) in the context of social inclusion; quality of the learning process for these groups of students, including e-learning and microcredits. Special attention was given to our project, which results were mentioned as good practice.
Exploitation meetings with other Bulgarian schools
The team of 94 SU “Dimitar Strashimirov” Sofia as coordinator of the project organised series of meetings with teachers and school principals of other schools in Bulgaria, who are working with disabled and disadvantaged students.
During these meetings, exploitation of the project results was negotiated.
Vocational school “Evlogii and Hristo Georgievi” – Karlovo
Vocational school on transport – Razlog
High school “Nayden Gerov” – Plovdiv
Testimonials from students with disabilities and disadvantaged students, who participated in the pilot programme in Bulgaria, Spain and Turkiye
We are proud to share with you 15 testimonials from students with disabilities and disadvantaged students, who participated in the pilot programme in Bulgaria, Spain and Turkiye:
„The FINLIT programme helped me understand how to manage my money better. As a person with physical disabilities, I often feel limited in my abilities, but this initiative made me more confident in my financial decisions.“
„As a student from a poor Roma family, I always had concerns about finances. This programme provided valuable knowledge and skills that will help me plan my future more effectively.“
„With the help of this programme, I learned how important it is to be informed about personal finance. Now I can make more informed decisions and budget wisely.“
„As a student with hearing impairment, I often face communication challenges. The FINLIT programme was adapted to meet my needs, allowing me to benefit fully from it.“
„The FINLIT programme changed my life. I learned so much about managing money and investments, which gave me confidence and peace of mind for the future.“
„I never thought I could learn so much about finance in such a short time. The FINLIT programme was well-structured and easy to follow, even for someone like me with learning difficulties.“
„Being visually impaired, I was initially hesitant about participating. But the FINLIT program’s accessibility features made it possible for me to engage fully and gain valuable insights into financial planning.“
„Growing up in foster care, I didn’t have many opportunities to learn about money management. This programme filled that gap and equipped me with essential skills for the future.“
„The practical exercises, validation worksheets and real-life scenarios in the FINLIT programme were incredibly helpful. They taught me how to apply financial concepts in everyday situations.“
„As a single parent from Roma community, balancing work and studies while managing finances has been challenging. This program provided me with strategies to handle my finances more efficiently.“
„I used to struggle with budgeting and saving. Thanks to the FINLIT programme, I now have a clear understanding of how to set financial goals and achieve them.“
„The FINLIT programme not only improved my financial literacy but also boosted my self-esteem. It showed me that I am capable of making smart financial choices.“
„Coming from a low-income background from Latin America to Madrid, I was sceptical about such kind of training, but the FINLIT programme exposed the concept and encouraged me to start small savings for the long term.“
„As a student with ADHD, staying focused on complex topics can be difficult. The interactive nature of the program kept me engaged and motivated throughout.“
„Learning about credit scores and debt management was eye-opening. I now know how to avoid common financial pitfalls and build a solid financial foundation.“
Successful realisation of the piloting phase in Istanbul and Samsun – Turkiye
The regional educational directorate HAVZA İLÇE MİLLİ EĞİTİM MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ in Samsun, Turkiye together with experts from WINSS, Istanbul, Turkiye successfully realise the pilot implementation phase in Turkiye. The piloting started with the involvement of the experts from the educational directorate and representatives of local schools – Şehit Recep Şahin Mes.Tek.Anadolu Lisesi and Havza Mesleki Ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi. Students with disabilities and those from disadvantaged communities including refugees and immigrants took place in the piloting phase.
Регистрация за заключително събитие в гр. София 24 септември 2024г.
Уважаеми учители, ученици, директори и всички заинтересовани страни,
Екипът на проект Европейски проект по програма „Еразъм+“: “Развиване и валидиране на финансова грамотност сред учащи с увреждания и такива в неравностойно положение за подготовка за пазара на труда” (FINLIT) КД220, сектор: Училищно образование на програма „Еразъм+“ на Европейската Комисия има удоволствието да Ви покани да вземете участие във заключителното събитие за разпространение на резултатите на проекта.
Събитието ще се състои на 24 Септември 2024 г. (вторник)
Mясто на провеждане: Спортна зала, 94 СУ „Димитър Страшимиров“ гр. София, Кв. Христо Ботев, ул. „511“ № 22
регистрация: 09:30 ч, начало: 10:00ч.
В рамките на събитието ще Ви бъдат представени:
- Резултат 1: Наръчник и образователни видеa за ученици с увреждания и ученици в неравностойно положение по отношение на финансовата грамотност
- Резултат 2: Наръчник за учители относно учебната програма по финансова грамотност
- Резултат 3: Онлайн портал за дигитално обучение
- Резултат 4: Работни листове за валидиране на финансова компетентност
В събитието ще вземат участие ученици, участвали в пилотните обучения в България, както и техните преподаватели, които ще представят обобщена информация за протеклите дейности.
Специални гости ще бъдат партньорите по проекта, които ще демонстрират въздействието на проектните дейности в Испания и Турция.
Събитието се организира от 94 СУ „Димитър Страшимиров“ гр. София (координатор на проекта) в партньорство с „Български екип за приобщаваща подкрепа“ гр. София.
В края на събитието е планирана дискусия и обсъждане на възможности за по-широко използване на проектните резултати.
Събитието няма такса участие и всички участници ще получат присъствен сертификат.
Всички желаещи могат да се регистрират на следния линк:
Дневен ред на събитието можете да изтеглите ТУК
Очакваме Ви!
Third transnational partners meeting was held in Istanbul, Turkiye
Although the serious issues with the lack of elictricity in Istanbul, the project partners successfully conducted the third transnational partners meeting, which was held on 21st July 2024 (bilaterial) and 22nd July 2024 (all partners). The meeting was hosted by Ms. Figen Sekin – President of WINSS – Turkiye.
The meeting was opened by Mrs. Nevena Apostolova from the Coordinating team at the 94 SU “Dimitar Strashimirov” – Sofia, Bulgaria. She presented the project status and the last conducted activities with regards to each of the 5 work packages.
Each partner presented the status of the implemented activities and the partners discussed the finalisation of the project as well as the forthcoming national multiplier events. Presentations on pilot realisation, quality assurance and internal evaluation, dissemination, exploitation and project administrative and financial management were elaborated.
The meeting was concluded with the update on the project action plan, planning of the final transnational partners’ meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria and with the common photo together with the certificates for participation given by the host partner.
Training session with teachers was held at the University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
Mrs. Nevena Apostolova from the team of 94 High School “Dimitar Strashimirov” Sofia conducted successful training session with teachers at Master degree level at the University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”. They will actively apply the financial literacy training with students with disabilities and special needs in the Tracian region.
Outcomes from the successful pilot implementation phase in Bulgaria
In the period October 2023 – June 2024, series of blended training sessions were organised by both Bulgarian partners. Both of them successfully involved 68 students (aged 14-18 years old) with special educational needs including learning difficuluties, motor and sensory impairments as well as disadvantaged students from Roma origin. They have been supported by 31 trained teachers, who are working in mainstream schools.
All participants accept their participation in this training as an advantage or potential advantage to themselves and their future. They also believe that their participation in learning will contribute to their well-being and life success. They determine that their training has met, even exceeded, their prior expectations. The time frame for conducting the training is determined to be appropriate. The trainees express great satisfaction with the opportunity to be trained, as well as with the support from their trainers. They express readiness to recommend the training to other peers.
Teachers appreciated the flexibility in teaching methods. They can easily adapt and use parts of the module content in different subjects based on the needs, interests and progress of individual students. The learning format is filled with practical activities, role plays, discussions and other interactive methods. This approach has made learning more enjoyable and effective for learners, which has helped them remember and apply what they have learned more easily.
Students with disabilities and other disadvantages have taken an active role in their own learning.
Active realisation of the piloting phase in Spain
The piloting phase in Madrid, Spain is progressing very well. Students with disabilities and those with special needs are actively involved in the blended form of pilot sessions based on the four major project results.
Dissemination and presentation of the project during ALICANTE, International Congress: Education and Knowledge – 6-7 June 2024
The project and the results from the pilot trainings were presented during Annual international congress : Education and Knowledge, which was held on 6th and 7th June 2024 in Alicante, Spain by the AMPAT team.
Special attention was given to the exploitation of the project results and the impact gathered during the pilot implementation phase.
More information is available on:
Dissemination during the 33rd EURASHE Conference “Stronger Together” – 22-23 May 2024, St. Polten, Austria
On 22 and 23 May 2024, in Sankt Pölten, Austria, the 33rd Annual conference by EURASHE on the theme: “Stronger together: Promoting transnational cooperation” took place. The Bulgarian Inclusion Support Team was among the key panelists together with Mrs. Sophia Eriksson Waterschoot – the General Director for Youth, Education and Erasmus+ at the European Commission’s Directorate General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture as well as representatives of Šiauliai State UAS, Thomas More UAS, Burgenland UAS, under the moderation of Mr. Michal Karpišek – member of the European Alliance E³UDRES².
Our presentation of the project and dissemination of the project results during ieTIC2024: Innovation in Education with ICT – X International Congress of Information and Communications Technologies in Education – 15-16 February, 2024, Câmara de Lobos, Madeira, Portugal
Prof. Pilar Gutiez Cuevas from ASOCIACIÓN MADRILEÑA DE PROFESIONALES DE LA ATENCIÓN TEMPRANA, Madrid, Spain was keynote speaker at the ieTIC2024: Innovation in Education with ICT – X International Congress of Information and Communications Technologies in Education which was held on 15-16 February, 2024, Câmara de Lobos, Madeira, Portugal.
Dissemination of the project during Congreso Pluma y Arroba 2023 in Madrid, Spain- 23-24.11.2023
The team of AMPAT presented the project and its concept during the hybrid congress on educational innovations, which was held on 23rd November 2024 (online) and on 24th November 2024 (physical).
The project was also disseminated to schools abroad European union – at Latin America countries, which representatives took place during the online sessions.
Keynote speakers from project consortium during XVII International congress of the organisations working in the field of education – 08-10 November 2023, Oviedo, Spain
The project, which is coordinated by 94 SU “Dimitar Strashimirov” and partnered by the Bulgarian Inclusion Support Team and ASOCIACIÓN MADRILEÑA DE PROFESIONALES DE LA ATENCIÓN TEMPRANA (AMPAT), Madrid, Spain was presented during the XVII International congress of the organisations working in the field of education, which was held in the period 08-10 November 2023 in Oviedo, Spain.
In the dedicated panel called: “Inclusive education in the 21st century: recent practices and solutions for teachers and students with special needs” was chaired by prof. Pilat Gutiez Cuevas and prof. Crisalida Rodriguez Serna from AMPAT. During the panel, Andrean Lazarov and Stanislav Georgiev from Bulgarian Inclusion Support team presented the project concept and the first project results with regards to the training of youth with fewer opportunities on basic financial literacy.
The congress was organised by the University of Oviedo and included more than 200 participants from Europe and Latin America (academicians, business representatives, teachers, lecturers, NGO representatives, policy makers). During the first congress day, the team of Bulgarian Inclusion Support Team presented the key outcomes of the project, especially appreciated by the giant name in the didactics of Spain – prof. Antonio Medina Rivilla from UNED | Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia and the key organiser prof. Emilio Álvarez Arregui – President of UNESCO Spain . Possibilities for exploitation of the key project results in Spain and in Latin America were discussed.
Dedicated article about the project, its concept and results was also published with ISBN: 978-84-18482-96-0
The project flyers and posters were widely exhibited in the various places in the Faculty of education of University of Oviedo, as well as part of the conference pack of the congress.
More information at:
The project and its results was disseminated by prof. Castellar Lopez Guinea from AMPAT during the Forum for professionals and families involved in special education, and for future teachers who are currently being trained in caring professionally for education students with special needs.
The objective was to provide a knowledge exchange forum among all agents involved in special and inclusive education, promoting a global focus that takes into account all dimensions of the students and creating collaboration networks among special education centers, through the sharing experiences, projects, resources and diagnostic methodologies and psychoeducational interventions.
Presentation of the project to young teachers at University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
On 05 September 2023, a meeting with young teachers was organised at the University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”. Mrs. Nevena Apostolova from the team of 94 SU “Dimitar Strashimirov” Sofia presented the project concept and the draft version of the project deliverables meant to contribute to further financial literacy trainings of students with disabilities and those with Roma origin. The teachers provided feedback and suggestions for modifications, which will be reported to the project consortium and will be taken into account.
Productivity and sharing ideas during the Samsun transnational partners meeting – 28-29.08.2023
The consortium met in the period 28-29 August 2023 in the wonderful city of Samsun, hosted by the fantastic team of the regional educational directorate of HAVZA İLÇE MİLLİ EĞİTİM MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ. The meeting was officially opened by the local director who expressed his gratitude to the partnership for the successful work and progress reached so far.
The partners focused their work on the further elaboration on the main project results and shared their input for the different modules concerning the Handbook for financial literacy training for students with disabilities and disadvantages.
The partners also discussed the storyboards of the educational videos, which will be captured in the next months. Major part of the meeting was dedicated also to internal quality assurance and preparation for the interim report as well as the realised dissemination.
The partners also discussed the organisation of common participation at the 17th World congress about innovations in education, which will be held in Oviedo, Spain.
The partners discussed the project progress also with representatives of the Business Development Agency in Samsun as member of the National Advisory Board in Turkiye, who provided reasonable comments for adjustments and improvements of the project results.
Common development meeting of teachers of 94 SU “Dimitar Strashimirov” to discuss and contribute for the project progress
The team of the 94 SU “Dimitar Strashimirov” under the chair of the Principal and project coordinator Mrs. Kovacheva and Mrs. Nevena Apostolova discussed with the teachers about the recent version of the R1: Handbook and educative videos for disabled and disadvantaged students in terms of financial literacy and R2: Guidance toolkit for teachers on financial literacy curriculum. The teachers contributed with suggestions for further improvement and were happy that are involved in this very important initiative for their students with special needs. During the meeting, the next steps of the project development was also discussed.
Participation and dissemination at EURASHE Annual conference – 8-9 June 2023, Bucharest, Romania
We have been invited to participate together in a Breakout session about the INVEST Fellow programme during the 32nd Annual EURASHE conference. The event took place on 8-9 June 2023 and was hosted by the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (UPB). During the event series discussions were held about the inclusive Higher education together with the new EURASHE President, Mr. Hannes Raffaseder, CEO of the St. Pölten University of Applied Science and the Rector of UPB Prof. Mihnea Costoiu. Both of them expressed interest towards the project and it was agreed to invite them for one of the project multiplier events.
During presentation of the project session:
Dissemination of the project during 7TH MEETING OF INNOVATIVE CENTERS AT MADRID
The AMPAT team presented the project during the International Conference on Current Educational Issues, which was held on 9th June 2023 at Coimbra University’s Psychology and Educational Sciences Faculty, Portugal.
More information is available in the Conference proceeding document:
Our key participation at the panel sessions of the International Knowledge Week on Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Access, 8-11.05.2023, at Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Erasmus University Rotterdam has been working on the fundamental topics of inclusion, diversity, equity and access for more than seven years. Their dedicated and institutionalized IDEA Center now consists of more than 20 specialists that develop and execute our institutional and integral approach on inclusion, diversity, equity and access. The IDEA Center has taken on a pioneering role, nationally and in Europe helping initiate IDEA-structures at universities, disseminating our knowledge and expertise.
During the week, various national and international speakers – including Prof. Lina Gálvez Muñoz (European Parliament), Alfred Herrera (University of California, Los Angeles), Prof. Eveline Crone (Erasmus University Rotterdam – EUR), Fanny Passeport (Education Development Officer at Erasmus X, EUR) & Dr. Dirk Deichmann (Associate Professor, EUR) and our project team – together with academicians, researchers, PhD students and disability organisation representing participants shared practical insights and knowledge on topics such as (academic) outreach, student engagement, inclusive education & Universal Design for Learning, inclusive HR, inclusive communication and monitoring & research.
During the panel workshop “Integrating Universal Design for Learning into your course” we have presented the recent development in the field of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). UDL is an approach that allows instructors to proactively design their course content and pedagogical strategies to anticipate a wide range of needs. Rather than seeing students as ‘average’, they are considered as ‘variable’. By acknowledging and welcoming diversity, instructors adopt a pluralistic approach that honors learning differences. When applying UDL, the instructor provides multiple ways of engagement, representation, and action & expression. Concrete examples from EUR applications (and reflections) in a ‘Design Thinking’ course at RSM (in fall 2022) and contributions from the Bulgarian inclusion support team recent and past development were presented. The concept and expected results of the recent FINLIT project were disseminated to the audience.
More information and detailed programme is available here:
Our participation at TRANSVAL-EU European conference in Paris, France
Our team members were invited to participate as key speaker during the plenary sessions at the European conference “Transversal Skills for Work and Life: Strengthening Guidance and Validation” which was held between 18-19 April 2023 in Paris, France.
The main aim of the conference was to build bridges between research, policy and practice for guidance and validation of transversal competences in Europe. Both in work settings and in daily life, there is a growing need for individuals to develop high-level competences to address complex challenges. Transversal competences set the foundation for personal development, resilience, the ability to communicate and work constructively with others, problem-solving, and the ability to manage one’s learning and career. Yet transversal competences are not always valued or made visible in guidance and validation processes for disadvantaged learners.
The ongoing TRANSVAL-EU project — co-financed by Erasmus+ KA3 Policy Reform – Policy Experiments coordinated by OeAD, Austrian Agency for Education and Internationalization (Austrian National Agency of Erasmus+ programme) – one of the largest policy experimentations in Europe — aimed to bridge this gap in guidance and assessment in validation of non-formal and informal learning (VNFIL). The TRANSVAL-EU research conference provided opportunities for researchers to share and discuss state-of-the-art research in the field of validation of non-formal and informal learning (VNFIL) of transversal skills, including in conference panels, workshops, and a networking reception.
Successful Kick off transnational partners meeting in Madrid, Spain
The Spanish meeting of the FINLIT project was held on 11th and 12th of April 2023 in Madrid, Spain and it was hosted by the team of AMPAT, Spain, with whom our team has a strong, fruitful and long-term collaboration.
We have discussed the curriculum and training material for the development of handbook for students with disabilities and disadvantages on the labour market and agreed on the the initial version. The partners were happy to share contribution and thoughts as well as discussed future collaboration.